
The current news regarding the spread of the Coronavirus in Europe is cause for uncertainty among many people. For Interline our passenger’s and staff’s safety is our top priority. We are monitoring the situation and developments and we are following the health and governmental authority’s advice for steps to be taken. In the current situation many people are reluctant to board a crowded train or an aircraft. There is an alternative: Interline chauffeured services.

"Private circle” - lowered risk of infection

Interline is dedicated to the chauffeured transportation of individuals and groups in absolute safety. Our vehicles, especially the contact surfaces, are cleaned and disinfected several times daily. Business customers can travel in a private circle, with no contact to a vast number of unknown passengers. This lowers the risk of infection with the new virus.

Precautionary Measures

Our clients can expect a high level of hygiene and safety.  We have implemented the following precautionary measures in order to best protect our clients and our staff against any risks:

  • After trips and during standby we clean and disinfect all vehicles, especially all passenger areas and frequently touched objects.
  • An alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 60% is always available within reach for passengers to use at their discretion.
  • All drivers are instructed to maintain a high standard of personal hygiene according to the recommendations of the World Health Organization. These include washing ones hands frequently and thoroughly, correctly covering ones mouth when coughing or sneezing and avoiding touching ones eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Our chauffeurs are permanent employees and are not allowed to work if they are ill or suspected to be ill.

Reassessment on a daily  basis

Interline adheres closely to the recommendation of  the World Health Organization, the Robert Koch Institute and German authorities and takes international travel restrictions into account. We make sure that new findings and information are provided and that available procedures are modified to suit a given situation. We reassess the situation on a daily basis in order to make the appropriate decisions.

Interline takes the concerns of its customers regarding the coronavirus very seriously. If you have got any questions regarding your reservation or if you need to change a booking, please give us a call. Our consultants will do everything they can to help.